Secrets of longevity: people over 85 are advised to walk at least 10 minutes a day
One hour of walking a week can extend the life of people over 85 years old, according to Korean scientists. Regardless of age, adults are recommended to engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes per week of high-intensity activity.
At the same time, according to study author Dr. Mu-Nyun Jin of Sang Hospital says Pike of Inje University in Seoul, “as older adults age, they are less likely to meet activity recommendations.” “Our research shows that walking for at least one hour each week is beneficial for people aged 85 and older. Simply put, walk for 10 minutes every day,” he said.
Dr. Jean noted that walking was associated with a lower risk of death in older adults, regardless of their physical activity. “The main message is to keep going all your life,” he believes.
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