“Secrets” of proper tomato watering
Even “masters” of gardening ask how to properly water tomatoes at different stages of plant development. Mistakes in this simple matter can lead to crop loss or deterioration of fruit quality.
Before planting in open ground, tomatoes are watered abundantly so that the soil around the roots does not crumble and injure the roots.
In addition, enough water is also poured into the prepared holes for tomatoes. After planting, many summer residents make a big mistake – they water the plants every 2-3 days.
Thus, summer residents do not get strong and healthy tomatoes, but natural “dependents” who do not seek to please with a harvest, but wait for the owners to feed them and quench their thirst.
You have to water almost every day, but this does not really help when in June or July the daytime air temperature is within +30 … 35 ° C for several days.
On such days, careful summer residents literally do not let go of the watering can and garden hose, trying to protect the plants from drying out. They manage to save them, but the harvest will be meager and will not be a reason for pride.
Therefore, experienced summer residents advise not to rush to water them after planting tomatoes, but to wait a few days. They assure that you don't need to pick up a watering can even when the bushes are a little bit established. They need time to take root, develop hardening and start growing.
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