Secrets of quick cooking of pea porridge

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Most readers will say that in order for peas to become soft and tasty, they need to be boiled for a long time or soaked overnight. And when there is no time for this, what to do? Let's reveal some secrets that will definitely help you.


Secret 1. Throw a pinch of soda into the pan where the peas are cooked. It is important not to overdo it so that an unpleasant aftertaste does not appear. After half an hour, the peas will be soft.

Secret 2. Before cooking, the peas should be washed several times until the water becomes clear. Cold water should be poured over the peas. When it boils for 20 minutes, add 100 g of ice water. After 10 minutes, add cold water. Periodically add such water until it boils. On average, it takes an hour.

Secret 3. Peas will boil quickly if you add 2-3 tablespoons to the pan during cooking. l. of butter or the same amount of oil.

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Author: alex

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