“Secrets” of resourceful housewives: what to put in the pan so that food does not stick when frying
Frying food is often accompanied by its sticking to the surface of the pan. This spoils the appearance of the finished dishes. The easiest way to solve the problem is to buy new dishes, but this is not always a financially justified method. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the secrets of resourceful housewives that will help you “persuade” your pan to fry without incident.
Paper for baking
It can be used not only for baking sweets or pies. Try covering the bottom of the pan with parchment and fry, for example, fish or cutlets. The result will surprise you. Even the dishes themselves remain clean after cooking.
Apple Cider Vinegar
If you've been looking for the easiest way to fry using an old pan, you'll love this method. You will need natural apple cider vinegar.
Pour a little vinegar into the pan, spread evenly over the surface. Turn on the fire and wait until the liquid evaporates completely. After that, you can start frying your favorite dishes.
Salt with butter
This method is suitable for housewives who use cast iron pans. First, you need to spread a thin layer of salt over the entire bottom and fry it until brown. After that, we take it away and pour oil, which must be carefully rubbed into the surface.
All that remains is to wait for the pan to cool completely. Then you need to remove the remaining oil with a napkin. Try this method if you use cast iron cookware.
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