“Secrets” of summer residents that help get rid of ants in the garden
The rich experience in combating insect pests has given rise to many unique methods of control. The undisputed champions in this regard are ants and Colorado potato beetles. If the latter are ruthlessly destroyed, then ants are shown some leniency and demonstrate a humane attitude.
Ants are often called hard workers and only then pests. The latter epithet is most often applied to those that settle in greenhouses and vegetable gardens. Here are the most interesting ways to fight ants.
Coffee grounds
Dried cake or, as they say, drunk coffee is used. It is not difficult to accumulate a whole mountain of such good things over the winter, the main thing is to know how to use it with benefit.
Coffee grounds are simply sprinkled over an ant nest that has been dug up and watered. Ants do not really like the smell of coffee and therefore will leave. Coffee is harmless to plants, and it also helps loosen the soil.
It is considered the most effective way to fight red ants. It is sprinkled on ruined nests, after which they are poured with boiling water.
Egg yolk
Black ants are fought with the help of balls made from egg yolk, which has been previously mixed with boric acid.
The unpleasant smell scares away many pests, but at the same time it saturates the soil with nitrogen. To do this, it is enough to dilute 100 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water, after which the solution is poured over the excavated anthill.
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