Secrets of youthful skin: 5 bad habits that betray your age

With age the skin loses its elasticity, swelling and wrinkles are formed, which visually show age. Skin care products are not always effective in the fight for the youth of the skin, if its owners have certain habits.

Wrong sleeping position

The habit of sleeping on your stomach with your face lying on a pillow is dangerous, first of all, for health: in this position, blood circulation and lymph flow are disrupted, cervical vertebrae suffer. The external consequences of such a habit are severe swelling and “wrinkles” on the skin of the face.

Liquid before bed

Two or three hours before going to bed is not recommended. drink liquid At night, it is not washed out of the body and finds its way out in the form of severe swelling on the face and swollen eyelids.

Salt abuse

Salt retains water in the body, and its the main element of sodium is kept in the liquid in the blood, but also in the tissues. This leads to swelling and puffiness of the face.

Excessive coffee consumption

Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect. With a moderate amount of coffee, the volume of lost liquid is compensated by its intake with the drink. However, its use very often can disrupt the water balance. This negatively affects the condition of the skin.

Lack of activity

The simplest exercise activates lymphatic drainage, preventing fluid stagnation in tissues and the formation of edema. In addition to the positive effect on the condition of the skin, a sufficient level of physical activity is important for maintaining health.

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Author: alex

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