Seven breakfast foods for weight loss are named

One of the keys to effective weight loss is breakfast . A study by Cornell University confirms that eating in the morning has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

As part of the experiment, scientists interviewed 147 people who said that they had never had to struggle with excess weight, while 96% of them admitted that they ate breakfast almost every day. What foods should be added to your morning diet to lose weight?


Chicken eggs

This is another product that contains a good dose of protein, as well as choline, which is involved in the fat burning process. Choline is also found in lean meats, some seafood, and green cabbage.

Chicken breast

The perfect combination of nutrients found in chicken breast will keep you feeling full and energetic for hours, experts said. In addition, the breast contains one of the purest proteins that are necessary for weight loss.



This vegetable is low in calories, but high in fiber, which promotes satiety. Spinach contains plant-based omega-3s and folic acid, which reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.

Sweet pepper

According to a study published by Nutrition &amp ; Metabolism, the vitamin C found in bell peppers helps muscles absorb the carnitine they need for growth and repair. Just a quarter of a cup of chopped bell pepper will provide the body with 150% of the recommended daily vitamin intake.


They are not only rich in antioxidants, but also contain a large amount of fiber, as well as vitamins C and K. polyphenols in berries contribute to weight loss and prevent the formation of fat.

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Author: alex

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