Seven facts about winter garlic to plant on time and grow large heads

Planting winter garlic in the country is convenient, because a garden prepared in the fall gives a good harvest, and in the spring there is a fact of time saved for other work. To make sure everything goes according to plan, you need to know seven main facts:

Dates. Garlic is planted in the garden in October. You need to be guided by the weather. The reserve should be 3-4 weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather.

Planting material. You need the best and largest heads, from the cloves of which the best garlic will grow.

Planting depth. You need to be guided by the size of the cloves, but the depth range is 5-8 cm.

Row spacing. The distance between garlic cloves is 10 cm, and between rows – 15 cm.

Soil requirements. Garlic yields best when it grows on light and nutritious soils that are well permeable to moisture. Soil acidity within the pH range of 6.5-7.0.

Care. Garlic needs to be monitored. It needs to be weeded in the spring. Loosen the soil. In dry weather, watering is mandatory.

Harvesting. Will be ready for harvesting in June or July. You need to be guided by the above-ground part, when the stem with leaves turns yellow and lies on the bed.

Read also:

How to water the bed to increase the size of garlic heads

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Author: alex

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