Seven foods that will help you lose weight. Replace your usual meals with them
When to lose weight, it is important to get a sufficient amount of protein. And for this you only need to make a few changes to the diet.
There are many ways in which protein can help you lose weight. First of all, it reduces food cravings, so you will snack less often. It also suppresses hunger, thanks to which you will consume fewer calories during the day.
High-protein diets have been scientifically proven to boost your metabolism, increase your total calorie burn, and help you maintain your weight loss goals.
To get more protein, you just need to make a few adjustments to your diet.
Swap almond milk for cow's milk. 1% cow's milk has 8 grams of protein per cup. Almond milk has only 1 gram of protein per cup. Plus, cow's milk provides more vitamin D and calcium.
Replace cream cheese with cottage cheese. This will give you 2.4 g more protein. In addition, cheese is low in fat.
Instead of butter, use peanut butter. Butter contains 0.2 g of protein per 2 tablespoons, peanut butter contains 7.7 g of protein. Peanut oil also contains fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats, which will help you feel fuller longer.
Quinoa instead of rice. One cup of rice contains 3.5 g of protein, and one cup of quinoa contains 8.1 g of protein.
Chickpeas instead of toast. Half a cup of toast provides 1.8 g of protein, while the same serving of roasted chickpeas provides 7.3 g of protein.
Tofu as a substitute for almond milk. 100 g of tofu will provide the body with 6.4 g of protein, while 100 g of almond milk provides only 0.4 g of protein. You can try adding tofu to your smoothie.
Eat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. 100 g of sour cream contains 3 g of protein, 100 g of yogurt contains 10.3 g of protein.
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