Seven phrases that can ruin the strongest relationship
There are many romantic phrases”, which imply other intentions and meaning.
Although the phrases listed below seem harmless at first glance, if you look closely, they can be quite toxic and show the true nature of a person.
< p>“I am nothing without you”
This is a clear sign of serious addiction problems. The person who says these words feels that without you his life would be worthless. She relies on you more than she should and feels that she cannot function properly without your presence in her life.
Making you the meaning of your existence is toxic regardless of your attitude towards it and invariably leads to disappointment.
“You are the only thing that makes me truly happy /happy”
Another serious sign of addiction is that your partner is unable to find happiness within himself, even though he should.
We are not obliged to complement anyone. Happiness comes from within, and if you don't feel that, then you shouldn't try to find your happiness in someone else. Period.
“I'm not good enough for you”
This phrase makes you feel like you're underestimating your partner. Even if you didn't do anything to make him say that, he's putting you on a pedestal, which he shouldn't.
If you think too highly of someone in your life, sooner or later this a person will always let you down, whether on purpose or not.
“You are beautiful just the way you are”
Of course, everyone wants to be accepted as they are. But you should also be able to change as you see fit. We are all human, we constantly adapt and find something new in ourselves.
If your partner is fixated on the person you were when you first met and refuses to let you grow, then there is a serious problem in your relationship. problem.
“You are much better than my ex”
You cannot compare a loved one with his predecessor. Everyone has their own struggles in this world, and even if you don't cause your partner the pain that someone in their past caused them, the mere fact of comparison is enough to leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
You can't live authentically. , if you now and then turn your thoughts back to the past.
“If you loved/loved me, then…”
A partner has no right to force us to do things we don't want to do. If you are faced with such an ultimatum, run. Your love shouldn't come with conditions.
Just because you say no and protect your boundaries doesn't mean you don't have feelings for your partner.
“I want to spend all my time with you”
People need time for themselves and the opportunity to be alone, apart from their partner. There's nothing wrong with spending time with friends or doing your own thing.
If your partner is so dependent on you that he doesn't give you a moment of peace, then something needs to change.
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