Seven signs that the body feels an overdose of caffeine

Signs that the body feels caffeine overdose, there may be increased anxiety and restless sleep, digestive problems, fatigue, rapid heartbeat.

For a huge number of people, caffeine is a product of daily consumption – they drink coffee, tea, and eat chocolate. According to experts, in such circumstances, the body may feel an overdose of this substance, which most of us use to fight drowsiness and improve our performance. On the medical website Healthline, doctors named several signs that caffeine is consumed too much and its amount should be limited.

Hyperstimulation.Headaches, rapid heartbeat, tremors, and increased irritability may be signs that you are consuming too much of the natural stimulant that is caffeine.

Sleep problems. Caffeine, when ingested , can stay in it from three to five hours. Coffee, tea, chocolate, consumed in the afternoon, can cause problems with falling asleep quickly and too responsive, shaky sleep.

Fatigue.Although coffee is known as an energy-boosting drink, consuming too much of it can impair sleep quality, leaving you feeling more tired the next day. This condition can continue on a permanent basis if coffee is consumed for a long time.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer. Coffee can irritate the lining of the intestines, and as a signal that the body is experiencing an overdose of caffeine, feelings of nausea, acid reflux, and heartburn become felt during the day.

Stomach pain. If you have a habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach, it can trigger symptoms of indigestion.


Stress. Regular consumption of caffeinated drinks while working at night can cause a state of severe stress, increasing the level of the hormone cortisol in the body.

Worse condition of the skin. Coffee has a diuretic effect, forcing you to visit the toilet more often. The loss of a large amount of moisture has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, making it flabby and deteriorating its color, and also makes the lips and nasal mucosa dry.

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Author: alex

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