Seven typical phrases that characterize a confident person


True confidence comes from the inside. We can feel it in another person and can feel it in ourselves. It manifests itself in gestures, as we bring ourselves, and also in what we say to others. >

I don't know

An uncertain person, as a rule, wants to create the visibility of confidence. She is afraid that other people do not perceive it seriously, and therefore trying to somehow compensate for it. Examples: “I don't know, but this is a good question”, “I'm not sure, but be sure to find out.”

It seems to you that in order to be sure, you should always know how to do it right. But this is a delusion. You do not need to know anything in advance, just be prepared to know it. It is necessary to learn carefully to listen to those who are more “sang” in a particular area than you, and then to take action. discomfort while their search.

I'm sorry

Independent people often do not want to say that they are sorry, considering this phrase a manifestation of weakness. They do their best to blame someone else and not take responsibility. They are afraid that if they recognize their wrongdoing, they will thus declare their inferiority. Could we start over? ” or “Sorry. I did not know what I said to lead to such results. I would like to fix everything. What do you say? ”.

“No” is a complete sentence. And this is one of the most complex phrases, especially if you grew up in a family where this word was banned. If you could not set a healthy relationship with your parents in your childhood (because you were punished for any attempts to do it) then probably grew up with the habit of please everyone around you. borders. Only when you really want it, and in order to say the word “no” tactfully and decisively, time

is to learn how to say “yes” when you really want it.In confident people, there are quite rigid limits. They say “no” when you need to do it. They believe that others will normally respond to their refusal, and understand that if someone does not respect their boundaries, then the wrong “offender”, not them.

>> How are you? For example, when she is interested in you as your business. She knew herself, so now she is able to know other people.

>I need to tell you something

sure people do not hide their point of view. They do not seek conflict situations themselves, but are able to defend their beliefs, be it uncomfortable.

they are able to ask for help when needed. Such people understand that you can do not do anything and that some things require teamwork.

Instead of constantly imposing their opinions, confident people listen carefully to their interlocutor. If they do not understand something, then they sincerely try to do it. And for that they ask for explanations, not create visibility that they understand.

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Author: alex

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