Several signs suggest that mental exhaustion has occurred
The end of winter is a difficult period for the body – at this time of year, fatigue, burnout, and exhaustion can be felt more than ever.
Mental exhaustion is a variant of brain fatigue: this condition occurs as an organism's reaction to long-term stress and lifestyle, which requires a person to constantly concentrate all his resources. Processing and housework, stress, caring for children and the elderly, long-term absence of sun, insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements with food, lack of sleep – all this contributes to the fact that mental exhaustion occurs, in which the work of the nervous system and brain deteriorates.
Here are some signs that indicate a problem.
Uncontrolled anger and impatience. Mental fatigue leads to bad mood. It becomes difficult to manage one's irritability – clashes and conflicts with others occur more and more often.
Low work productivity.Mental exhaustion impairs the ability to concentrate and “kills” motivation. As a result: a person is constantly distracted, misses deadlines.
Slowdown. It may seem to you that you have started to do everything at a slow pace, even move. If such a “slowdown” together with a bad mood lasts for more than two weeks, this may be a sign of serious depression.
Anxiety. Mental exhaustion usually means a disruption in the functions of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for experiencing stress or danger. If you are exhausted, you may begin to constantly feel panic or poorly controlled severe anxiety.
Change in eating habits. Psycho-emotional exhaustion affects appetite in different ways: it may disappear, or, conversely, be excessively strong and prevent you from feeling full. Cravings for sweet, salty, or fatty foods may also increase.
Pain. For example, frequent headaches occur, as well as muscle pain, back pain, or stomach problems.
All of these signs are a serious reason to see a specialist.
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