Shorten life: 3 most harmful morning habits
When it comes to breakfast, there are two types of people: those , who loves her, and those who miss him. Doctors do not get tired of repeating that breakfast is important for health, because it is what starts the body to work after a night's rest. Depending on which products the morning meal includes, you can support health or, on the contrary, harm it. At the worst end of the spectrum are morning habits that increase the risk of developing chronic diseases linked to premature death.
Skipping breakfast affects metabolism and heart health
The study found that participants who preferred a hearty breakfast burned almost twice as many calories throughout the day. Additionally, breakfast eaters had lower blood sugar and insulin levels. Another argument in favor of breakfast: it reduces the risk of developing obesity, which can reduce life expectancy by 14 years, the NIH said. greater risk of cardiovascular disease-related death.
Eating bacon increases the risk of developing cancer
Research has shown that eating just one piece of bacon (processed meat) per day (25 g) increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 20%. Nearly half a million UK residents aged 40 to 69 took part in the five-year experiment. According to the American Cancer Society, 37% of colorectal cancer patients have a lower chance of living more than five years after diagnosis.
The wrong juice for breakfast increases the risk of developing diabetes
According to the study, increasing the consumption of fruit juices by half a cup or more per day increases the risk of developing diabetes by 16%, which is in the top ten causes of early death.
Scientists advise replacing juice with fresh fruits, containing much more fiber.
Grapefruit juice fans should also keep in mind that it should not be combined with medication, especially to lower cholesterol or blood pressure, the FDA said.
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