Shortens life by years: the worst effects of alcohol on the body

Studies show that that regular alcohol consumption can shorten life by up to 28 years.

According to the Karolinska Institute, whose scientists analyzed mortality risks among subjects from Denmark, Finland and Sweden over a 20-year period, “mortality from all types of diseases it is noticeably higher in the drinking group”.

First of all, we are talking about high alcohol consumption. One of the researchers' verdicts says that “even a one-time excessive consumption of alcohol can seriously undermine health.”

Scientists have listed the worst effects of alcohol on the body, due to the effects of which human life can be shortened by years.

Brain. Alcohol consumption “interferes with brain communications” – this ultimately makes it difficult to think clearly, provokes mood swings and destructive behavior.

Heart.Drinking too much alcohol – even once – increases the risk of heart disease such as cardiomyopathy. As a result, the heart's ability to pump blood around the body is impaired, which increases the risk of irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure (hypertension), stroke.

Liver. Alcohol abuse can lead to inflammation in liver, causing in the form of the consequences of a pathological condition:

  • fatty liver disease,
  • alcoholic hepatitis,
  • fibrosis,
  • cirrhosis .

Pancreas.One of the dangerous effects of alcohol is its ability to specifically affect the pancreas, causing it to produce toxic substances that can ultimately contribute to pancreatitis. This disease provokes inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels of the gland, which interferes with normal digestion.

Cancer. Scientists emphasize that there is a “solid scientific opinion” about the connection between alcohol consumption and several types of cancer. Here are these varieties:

  • head and neck cancer,
  • esophageal cancer,
  • liver cancer,
  • breast cancer,
  • colorectal cancer.

Long-term risks. If alcohol is actively consumed over a long period of time, the following disorders result:

  • dementia,
  • impotence,
  • premature ejaculation,
  • infertility.

Take “dry” breaks. Scientists recommend spending at least two or three days without alcohol every week. In the remaining days, you should drink a total of no more than 14 units. A bottle of wine is about 10 units. A small glass (125 ml) of wine contains about 1.5 units.

Experts have revealed the effect of different amounts of alcohol consumed.

  • One or two: speed up the heart rate , expand blood vessels.
  • Four-six: change the functioning of the brain and nervous system, slow down the reaction time, thinking process, disrupt coordination.
  • More than eight units: slurred speech occurs, loss of clarity vision, hangover the next day, drowsiness, dehydration, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion.

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Author: alex

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