Should you cook potatoes under a lid? Experienced housewives have revealed the “secret”
Many people doubt the need to use a lid when cooking potatoes.
As it turns out, there are strict rules about this.
Using the lid depends on the dish you decide to cook.
Which method of cooking potatoes should be used cover
The potatoes should be soft, soaked in vegetable juice and fragrant. It is impossible to achieve the desired result without a lid.
Experienced housewives first actively fry it so that a crust forms in the potatoes. This is necessary so that the product does not lose its shape during stewing. At first we do not use the lid, and then we stew under it.
Most people probably know that using a lid helps speed up the cooking process, therefore, you should not refuse it.
Also, potatoes cooked under a covered lid are more useful and tasty.
However, it is still worth leaving a small gap for air to escape.
When not to use a lid?
If you like fried potatoes with a crispy crust, then use a lid absolutely not worth it. Otherwise, you risk getting stewed potatoes again.
If you are afraid that the potatoes will burn, then you should fry them in small portions in a sufficient amount of oil.
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