Should you drink collagen for skin and joint health?

Additions can help, but you shouldn't expect miracles.

What is collagen and what are collagen supplements made of

Collagen is the main protein of the human body, which is part of the skin, bones, teeth, tendons, ligaments and organs (type I), articular cartilage (type II), muscles and blood vessels (type III).

The body creates different types of collagen from amino acids obtained from food, but with age it copes with this task more and more poorly.

Food supplements with this protein are made from bones, tendons, cartilage and other tissues of the home livestock and poultry. Marine collagen is produced from the skin, scales and cartilage of fish. It is believed that such a protein is better absorbed due to the lower molecular weight.

To further increase the bioavailability of an animal-sourced supplement, it is broken down into peptides that link together amino acids with a small molecular weight. Collagen that has undergone such processing is called hydrolyzed, or hydrolyzate, and now most dietary supplements contain it.

Upon entering the body, peptides are absorbed in the small intestine, enter the blood and serve as building material for its own protein, and also stimulate its production and synthesis of elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Manufacturers of supplements claim that they help improve the condition of the skin and joints. And these statements have some scientific basis.

Will collagen help improve the condition of the skin

Collagen makes up from 75 to 95% of the skin and determines its appearance , elasticity and hydration.

As the protein fibers age, they become thinner and change their structure. In the future, by increasing its amount, you can reverse some age-related changes.

Studies involving women aged 35 to 60 have found that daily supplementation with 2.5-10 g of hydrolyzed collagen for 8-12 weeks improves skin hydration, density, and elasticity, and also reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

< p>The same conclusion was reached in a review of 10 scientific papers and in a recent meta-analysis of 19 studies with data from 1,125 participants aged 20 to 70.

Thus, three months of taking hydrolyzed collagen can really improve the condition of the skin. But since no one can vouch for the quality of a specific supplement, you shouldn't expect miracles.

Do collagen supplements help protect joints

Articular cartilage is formed mainly by water and collagen II type. It also includes chondrocyte cells and proteoglycans — molecules that hold water and ensure the transport of substances.

Damage of the collagen network or a decrease in the number of proteoglycans destroys dense connective tissue and is observed in such degenerative conditions as osteoarthritis.


One study found that in people with this disease, after six months of taking supplements, the number of proteoglycans in the cartilage increased, while in the control group the composition of the joint tissues only worsened.

And the analysis of seven scientific papers also came to concluded that the use of collagen hydrolyzate stimulates chondrocytes to produce more molecules of intercellular substance. This, in turn, protects tissues from destruction and even promotes regeneration.

In addition, collagen can protect joints during heavy loads, such as sports. The International Olympic Committee even included it in the list of useful supplements for athletes as a way to improve the condition of cartilage, reduce pain during movement and ensure injury prevention.

However, it is still too early to declare taking the supplement as an effective measure to protect the joints. For example, a meta-analysis examined eight studies on the use of collagen or gelatin for the treatment of osteoarthritis and concluded that the evidence is insufficient: studies are few and of poor quality.

More optimistic results have been obtained in recent research. the results A meta-analysis found that taking collagen significantly reduces joint stiffness and pain levels, as assessed by patients, and the review concluded that this protein is useful for cartilage repair.

Although at the end, the authors still noted that the scientific community cannot yet recommend the supplement as an effective treatment method and more high-quality experiments are needed.

Thus, 10 g of type II collagen per day for 3-6 months can have a positive effect on the condition of cartilage, although the topic requires further research.

Should you take collagen supplements< /h2>

Despite numerous studies in this area, the website of the Harvard School of Public Health noted that most of the scientific work was carried out in whole or in part with the supply of dietary supplement manufacturers.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the supplements are really effective and whether it is worth spending money on them, especially given the high price.

In addition, the article noted that the US Food and Drug Administration does not inspect the capsules and collagen powders before sale and does not evaluate their effectiveness and safety.

Thus, no one can guarantee that the supplements will improve the condition of the skin and protect the joints. Whether you try them or not is up to you.

In any case, before you order an expensive jar of hydrolyzate, think about other ways to take care of your skin and joints:

  • Throw don't smoke.
  • Get enough sleep and fight stress.
  • Switch to a healthy diet with enough protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Close the WHO recommended norm of physical activity: 150 minutes of light cardio per week or 75 minutes of intense + two strength training.

Trying to replace a healthy lifestyle with taking collagen, you will most likely waste money.

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Author: alex

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