Side effects of coffee: why you should not abuse the drink
Coffee breaks during the day for is the norm for many, but experts say that too much caffeine is harmful to health. The American National Institute on Drug Abuse warns that coffee can cause addiction.
Despite the fact that from a scientific point of view, the drink is not addictive, after a sharp refusal from it, a person may experience a withdrawal syndrome.< /p>
Symptoms: fatigue, headaches and insomnia. At the same time, negative manifestations can also occur when consuming too much caffeine, including increased anxiety and sleep disturbances.
In addition, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should treat coffee with special caution. And for those who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, it's best to avoid it altogether.
Most people get heartburn from time to time, but if it's a recurring problem, coffee can make it worse. Even switching to decaffeinated coffee will not help with stomach upset after drinking this drink.
Although coffee can have negative effects on the body, studies show that in small amounts it is good for health. For example, scientists from the University of Florida found that drinking coffee in adulthood reduces the likelihood of developing dementia by 70%. Also, according to some studies, the drink can reduce the risk of oral cancer.
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