Signs and prohibitions on June 8: what to avoid and what to tune in to

On June 8, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the great martyr Theodore Stratilatus of Heraklion. On this date, there are many omens to determine the weather and several prohibitions that our ancestors believed in.

On this folk holiday, well diggers are looking for places for future wells. The day before, where there is probably water, they leave pans overnight, and in the morning they see how much moisture is on them.

On June 8, you should get rid of unnecessary things – throw them away or, if they are in good condition, give them away needy On this day you should meet the dawn – it is believed that with the first rays of the sun, a person receives unusual strength and God's grace. It is also customary to apologize and let go of insults.

What not to do on June 8

  • You cannot quarrel, conflict, cry and be in despair.
  • Accept important decisions that can affect the future.
  • Criticize others, gossip and spread rumors.
  • Baddling.
  • You can not wear bright things and bright accessories.< /li>
  • You can't spend the whole day alone.

Weather signs on this day

  • The mountain ash is blooming – it will give birth to oats.
  • There will be a drought if there are many grasshoppers.
  • The fish are close to the surface of the reservoir – the weather will be wet in the coming days.
  • If there are many pike in the river, then the summer will be rainy , many carp – autumn will be early.
  • Ducks endlessly dive and splash in the water – until the rain.

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Author: alex

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