Signs indicating a lack of estrogen in women

Estrogen deficiency can have many make you feel worse. Find out how you notice a deficiency of the most important female sex hormone, where it comes from, whether it can and how to treat it, and what consequences to expect.

Estrogen deficiency means that the level of the most important female sex hormone in the body has fallen too low. Strictly speaking, estrogen is not a specific hormone, but a general term for various hormones, especially estriol, estradiol, and estrone. They control reproductive processes in a woman's body and are important for the development of a woman's body. Estrogen deficiency can have correspondingly diverse and usually unpleasant consequences.

Estrogen deficiency: symptoms

Estrogen deficiency is often a sign of menopause, that is, the period during which a woman's hormonal balance changes again, she has her last period and she becomes infertile. Typical symptoms of estrogen deficiency during menopause:

  • Hot flashes
  • Depressed moods
  • Exhaustion
  • Night sweats
  • < li>Loss of libido

  • Dryness of vaginal mucous membranes (vaginal dryness)
  • Increased susceptibility to bacterial vaginal infections
  • Bleeding between periods (always check with a gynecologist)
  • Bladder weakness (urinary incontinence)
  • Fatigue and sleep problems
  • Memory problems
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But not only women over 40 suffer, the level of female hormones can also decrease in young women. Depending on how early the deficiency occurs, it can affect sexual development. This is often manifested in menstrual cycle disorders (missed monthly or intermenstrual bleeding) or even infertility. Because estrogen is important for pregnancy.

Hair loss, weight gain, and other symptoms of estrogen deficiency

Common symptoms of estrogen deficiency may include:

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  • Weight gain: in women during menopause, the figure sometimes changes due to hormonal changes: the stomach becomes thicker, the curves on the buttocks and legs are lost, since male sex hormones predominate with estrogen deficiency. li>
  • Hair loss: female sex hormone stimulates hair roots. Because of this, hair is often thinner in older women, and thicker than usual in pregnant women with increased estrogen production.
  • Damaged skin: some women know this phenomenon of menstruation – pimples appear to bleeding, and then the skin becomes clean again. This is because estrogen regulates sebum production. The less estrogen, the more the male sex hormone testosterone, which increases the production of sebum.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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