Signs of a brain tumor: Two behavioral changes that can be a warning

Symptoms of a brain tumor vary depending on the specific part of it affected, and some of them involve changes in the person's behavior.

The occurrence of a brain tumor means that a cellular failure has occurred in some part of this organ – the cells have begun to multiply in an abnormal, uncontrolled way. on your behavior,” Cancer Research UK experts report.

According to experts, signs of formation in the brain can develop gradually over several months or even years (if the tumor grows slowly). But a scenario is also possible when the tumor progresses in its development very quickly – the corresponding symptoms can appear within a few days.

Experts specify that common signs of a brain tumor include mental or behavioral changes – for example, there may be problems with memory or personality changes.

“You can notice yourself or others notice that you have stopped being yourself, your personality has changed. It may also be difficult for you to think, reason”.

Some people experience increased drowsiness or fainting when a brain tumor occurs. Other possible signs of pathology include seizures, persistent malaise, progressive weakness or paralysis of one side of the body, and problems with vision or speech.

As for headache, if it is the only symptom, it is unlikely a sign of a brain tumor. But experts give the following advice:

– You need to see a doctor if the headache is accompanied by nausea, which you have not had before, or if it wakes you up at night, and if in addition to it there are problems with your eyes.

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Author: alex

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