Signs of dementia: the seven first symptoms of the disease

Dementia is an acquired dementia characterized by a steady decline in cognitive activity and loss of previously acquired knowledge and skills. To date, there is no cure for the disease, but it is believed that a timely diagnosis can help slow down its development.

There are several different types of dementia, but according to the WHO, Alzheimer's disease is the most common. According to experts, you can reduce the risk of the disease by making small changes in your lifestyle.

As a rule, there are seven typical early signs of the condition that you should pay attention to. As explained by Alzheimer's Research UK, the symptoms are not obvious at first because they develop quite slowly, but over time they increasingly affect daily activities:

  • Memory problems. A person begins to forget recent events, names and faces
  • Repetitiveness.The same questions are asked, repetition of unusual behavior should be a reason to go to the hospital.
  • Wrong place for ordinary objects. For example, people with dementia forget where keys should lie, stand cups, etc.
  • Time confusion. With dementia, a person begins to confuse morning with night, events and dates.
  • Problems with navigation . People may not know where they are or get lost, especially in unfamiliar places.
  • Problems with communication. The person struggles to find the right words and loses the train of thought or conversation.
  • Mood changes. Increased anxiety or irritability, loss of self-confidence.

NHS experts explained that there is no specific way to prevent the development dementia, but there are ways to reduce the risk of developing it. In particular, doctors recommend regularly exercising, quitting smoking, following a balanced diet, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

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Author: alex

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