Signs of excessive salt consumption are named
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People have used salt for centuries – it was not only used to season food, but also to preserve meat and fish. Those who do not consume enough of it are at risk of serious health problems, but in modern society this will not happen – the modern person eats 3400 mg of sodium per day. This can lead to other, no less dangerous consequences.
The body knows how to send clear signals when it is necessary to replenish the balance. For example, a feeling of thirst comes after a salty meal, as salt changes the fluid balance in the body, leaving the cells dehydrated. In addition to the desire to drink water, there is a need to go to the toilet. Consuming a lot of salt stimulates the kidneys to produce more urine. It is recommended not to eat salty food before going to bed, so as not to wake up several times. Also, the body begins to swell after salt, especially this is noticeable in the morning.
People who add too much salt to their food can end up causing taste buds to become sodium resistant. To make the food tastier, they need to pour almost the entire contents of the salt shaker onto the food. Those who have lost their sensitivity to salt constantly increase their daily intake and, as a result, risk their health, falling into a vicious circle.
Salt can become “addicted”. When you try to remove salty products from the diet, withdrawal syndrome will begin, simply put, “breakdown”. Some will not even be able to last a day without salt. Also, from its frequent use, headaches become more frequent, as sodium causes the expansion of blood vessels in the brain.
Salt also affects mental abilities, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Concentration of attention in this case is lost. When salt dehydrates the body, energy levels drop. A person is more likely to feel tired after a particularly salty meal.
One of the most dangerous consequences is the formation of kidney stones. In addition, salt can cause gastritis, increased blood pressure and even stomach cancer.
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