Signs of vitamin C deficiency and foods rich in vitamin C
Serious deficiency of vitamin C is practically not found in the modern world. This strongest antioxidant will help you maintain health and your immunity is very necessary.
In the era of great geographical discoveries, scurvy was often encountered – an acute and life-threatening vitamin C deficiency. This happened due to a meager diet, it was impossible to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables for a long time, and the voyages lasted for many months. Now scurvy is a thing of the past, but the deficiency of certain vitamins, including vitamin C, does not cease to be relevant.
Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant, it helps the body cope with inflammatory and oxidative processes, resist infections. It is also necessary for the functioning of the central nervous system, adrenal glands, helps maintain sugar levels and absorb iron. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the body, it comes only with food.
One of the early signs of deficiency is reduced work capacity, lethargy, and rapid fatigue. With a serious deficiency, which you can get only by completely giving up fresh fruits and vegetables for several weeks, bleeding gums, anemia, brittle hair, decreased skin elasticity, frequent colds and infectious diseases accompanied by complications are observed.
To prevent vitamin C deficiency, it is enough to eat properly. It is difficult to find a fruit or vegetable that does not contain it. Vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment, so it is best to get it from fresh products. The real champion is sauerkraut. Be sure to include citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, greens, berries, bell peppers, and tomatoes in your diet.
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