Signs that coffee is bad for your health

It seems that it is time to switch to what -anything without caffeine!

Doctors and scientists recommend drinking two to three cups of coffee a day: it is good for both health and figure, it helps not only to cheer up, but also to improve cognitive abilities. But abusing an aromatic drink can seriously harm your health. We tell you how to understand that it's time to take a break from coffee and switch to something lighter.

Stomach aches

Abdominal pain can feel like the cramps you get during or before your period, or it can be a burning sensation in your stomach or throat, like poisoning — but all of these symptoms may well indicate that someone is drinking too much. As a recent study points out, some compounds in coffee can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, resulting in increased acidity and erosion of the stomach walls. If you often have a stomach ache, try to give up coffee – it should help.


The most common cause of a fast heartbeat is an overdose of alcohol or caffeine. And, unfortunately, it is not at all harmless: if you ignore the symptom, as a result, you can expect serious malfunctions in the work of the heart. So give up coffee without waiting until it gets to dizziness and even fainting (yes, yes, this is the next stage).


Yes, natural coffee has a laxative effect. And if you drink too much of it or too often, the effect may exceed your expectations. In general, if suddenly you have to go to the toilet often, and there seems to be no reason for it, try to drink less coffee. Most likely, it will help.


Coffee stimulates our nervous system and increases the ability to concentrate – and that's a good thing. But if we abuse the stimulant, the central nervous system can react, for example, with tremors of the hands – which is definitely not what you want. Reduce your dose or take a break from your relationship with coffee until things settle down.


Small doses of caffeine can relieve headaches and even prevent them. migraine attack. But the key word here is “small”. But when there is too much coffee (too much is at least five cups a day), excess caffeine can cause unnecessary fatigue and headaches. So carefully monitor the dose and do not exceed under any circumstances!

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Author: alex

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