Signs that may indicate emotional burnout are named

Routine work or relationships that cause negative experiences, can contribute to the development of a specific disorder – emotional burnout.

Researchers have clarified the signs that can indicate emotional burnout in a person.

  • This condition contributes to a decrease in the level of empathy : an emotionally exhausted person is unable to sympathize with someone else.
  • A business or hobby that brought pleasure no longer pleases or arouses interest.
  • Sleep disturbance occurs: difficulty falling asleep occurs despite to severe fatigue.
  • Appetite changes: favorite dishes cease to seem tasty.
  • Self-criticism increases. Emotional burnout is often indicated by self-destructive comments: a person is dissatisfied with his life circumstances, financial situation, etc., exaggerates his mistakes and failures. falls sharply, as well as the energy tone.

“The danger is that not everyone is ready to solve this problem and prefer to ignore it,” say psychologists.

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Author: alex

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