Signs that the liver is exhausted and needs a reboot

An exhausted liver does not work properly , which increases the risk of both immediate and long-term health problems. Certain signs signal that a weakened organ needs detox.

The liver is a multitasking organ. It filters the blood, produces bile for digestion, supports metabolism, regulates the removal of toxic waste, and these are just a few of its more than 500 functions.

Liver problems are common among people who abuse alcohol. But even those who do not drink are at risk of exhausting the liver if, for example, they neglect a healthy diet or are often under a lot of stress. In addition, the state of the organ is negatively affected by environmental toxins and medication.

Some signs can indicate that a person's liver is exhausted and needs to be restarted.

  • The skin and the whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint.
  • Weight increases, although the person does not overeat.< /li>
  • Frequent constipation or bloating.
  • Frequent anxiety, mood swings.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Creating sugar or alcohol.
  • The body acquires an unpleasant odor, sweating increases.
  • The skin becomes dry, itchy.
  • An unpleasant breath appears.
  • < li>Discomfort is felt in the right side of the chest.

Speaking of “rebooting the liver”, experts mean first of all giving up alcohol, tobacco, and a large amount of food with saturated fat. Citrus fruits, nuts and seeds, fermented foods, cruciferous and green leafy vegetables, legumes should be present in the diet. Physical activity at the level of at least 30 minutes a day is also important. If negative symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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