Simple foods to protect against colon cancer

According to a recent study, dairy products increase the body's defense against the development of intestinal cancer. Other simple, inexpensive foods also contribute to this – experts consider it necessary to add them to the diet to protect the intestines from diseases.

Intestinal cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, affects the body's digestive system, especially organs such as the colon intestine and rectum. Scientific experts have established that the consumption of dairy products can significantly reduce the risk of this disease.

The data obtained by scientists was published by Gut magazine. The researchers examined relevant published systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational clinical trials evaluating the effects of dietary and drug factors on bowel cancer risk. Thus, they found that the use of dairy products is associated with a 13-19 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer.

In addition, to protect against colon cancer, experts recommend adding other simple natural products to the diet.


Sour milk cheese, yogurt.They are rich in probiotics that support the health of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This ensures better and more efficient digestion, which reduces the risk of inflammation, cancer.

Fruits. Preference should be given to fruits with a lower glycemic index and saturated with dietary fibers. They have a positive effect on the processes of blood sugar regulation, which is important for protection against inflammation, the trigger mechanism of many cancers.

Almonds.Contains a lot of magnesium, fiber, useful fatty acids, it helps to maintain perfect digestion and maintain intestinal health.

Legumes. Beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils contain lignans and saponins , able to stop the reproduction of cancer cells, slow down the growth of tumors, prevent the production of protease in them, which destroys neighboring healthy cells.

Garlic and onion. The composition of garlic has components (for example, potassium gray ), capable of inhibiting the growth of tumors. Onions, due to the content of organosulfur compounds, quercetin and anthocyanins, are considered one of the active fighters against intestinal tumors.

Spicy plant products. Rosemary, thyme (thyme), basil, celery are distinguished by the presence powerful antioxidants, very effective in the prevention of some types of cancer, including colon cancer.

Carrots, beets. Their pigments (betaine, beta-carotene) have anticarcinogenic properties, protecting the structure of DNA from damage and cells – from malignant transformation.

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Author: alex

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