Simple foods to protect against coronary heart disease

One of the tasks of magnesium entering the body is to support the functioning of the muscles, including the heart. After studying the specifics of magnesium consumption on the example of 153,000 women, scientists determined that a fairly high level of magnesium consumption is associated with a lower probability of coronary heart disease.

Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common heart diseases characterized by insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. CHD leads the list of the main causes of death “from the heart”, and people who are prone to the risk of heart disease must include magnesium-rich foods in their diet – to protect against the deadly pathology. Especially since they can be simple, affordable products.

Leafy greens.Spinach, different types of cabbage, leafy salads, fenugreek leaves – they are all very rich in magnesium.

Legumes. In addition to magnesium, they provide the body with fiber, protein and other minerals.

Nuts. Thanks to their high magnesium and protein content, all types of nuts effectively support healthy muscle function.

Seeds. Sunflower seeds by their content valuable mineral is superior to nuts.

Tofu. Soy is respected by athletes, and for good reason – it contains magnesium, for example, much more than in fish or meat. Plus protein.

Bananas. Very rich in minerals, especially potassium and magnesium.

Oats. If you add bananas or seeds, the breakfast will turn out to be a champion in terms of magnesium content. Prefer whole grain Hercules, which is cooked for a long time, it is much healthier than flakes.

Dark chocolate. Rich in magnesium, it is very good for muscles.

The listed products are also very useful for protection against muscle cramps and spasms.

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Author: alex

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