Simple rules how to keep walnuts for a long time at home


walnuts-treasure trove of vitamins and trace elements. They are very useful for our body, especially for the brain. It is not in vain that the kernels of walnuts are reminiscent of the human brain.Experts recommend eating 30 g daily to improve memory. And also nuts are useful for people with anemia, due to the high content of iron in their composition, you can solve problems with reduced hemoglobin.

To protect walnuts from attacks of different insects, including nut moths, you need to know how to store them properly. By following a few simple rules, you can extend the life of nuts for up to 2 years.

If you have cleaned kernels and you want to keep them for a long time, you need to start them in the oven. To do this, the nuts should be poured on a sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven for 20-30 minutes at 80-90 degrees.

Focus on your oven. Nuts should not be burned. In this form, they are not afraid of mol nor other animals. 2 years. That is why it is better to buy peeled nuts.

they can also be roasted in an oven at a temperature of 50 degrees, but it is not necessary to store in a dark place, since the shell protects the nucleus from sunlight. However, do not forget to adhere to the temperature. Optimally up to +15 degrees.

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Author: alex

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