Simple ways to get rid of visceral belly fat

Accumulation of visceral fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease, but the good news is that getting rid of excess fat is quite simple methods One of them, research shows, can be the use of fermented milk products.

Simple ways , which help get rid of visceral fat on the stomach

Visceral fat hides in the spaces between the organs of the abdominal cavity – the liver, pancreas, intestines. Its excesses not only increase the belly, they can disrupt the vital processes of the body. Over time, this makes the development of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, more and more real.

But there is a problem: despite the perceived health risks, many people find it difficult to even decide to get rid of belly fat, they are afraid of a possible lifestyle change. However, experts state, positive health changes can be achieved even thanks to simple measures.

“Even small changes can give the desired result on the way to weight loss. One of the ways is to use fermented milk products, formed during milk fermentation by Lactobacillus Gasseri bacteria,” experts are quoted as saying.

According to scientists, Lactobacillus Gasseri is a healthy strain of bacteria (probiotic). There are studies showing that its consumption helps to reduce belly fat.

In one of them, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, subjects received two cups of fermented milk drink every day for three months. This made it possible to reduce the volume of abdominal visceral fat by approximately 4.6 percent and subcutaneous fat by more than 3 percent.

The results of another study published in the Journal of Functional Foods also confirm the property of bacteria of the Lactobacillus family to reduce fat deposits by stomach People who regularly consumed yogurt containing them for six weeks reduced their fat deposits by 3-4 percent.

Another simple way to get rid of visceral fat can be to give up simple carbohydrates – white bread and muffins, pasta and flour. refined grain products, sugary drinks, according to data from Harvard Health. Instead, experts advise choosing complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, as well as lean protein.

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Author: alex

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