Simple ways to help slow brain aging

Too active brain aging processes negatively affect the quality life, but simple methods available to the majority help to slow them down.

Swedish scientists told about simple, often not requiring financial investments, methods that help slow down the aging of the brain, on the pages of the publication Svenska Dagbladet. To maintain cognitive health, they recommend following certain attitudes in your lifestyle. The expected effect is provided, first of all, by their systematic practice.

What exactly should be done, according to scientists, to slow down the aging of the brain?

Move. Experts recommend this method in the first place. Emphasizing how important it is to avoid hypodynamia, they stated that “a sedentary lifestyle intensifies and multiplies inflammatory processes in the body, as well as increases the risk of developing dementia”.

Sleep enough. Having a healthy sleep is extremely important for the processes of cleaning the brain from protein compounds that “clutter” it and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Support the intestines. Good microflora plays one of the key roles in concerns the health of the brain and its protection against the catastrophic effects of aging. The optimal and simple way to maintain intestinal microflora is the use of fiber and a varied diet. Scientists emphasized that “up to 90% of the hormone serotonin, which is very important for mental health, is produced in this organ and only 10% in the brain.”

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Author: alex

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