Simple ways to prevent bowel cancer
Australian researchers believe that approximately 35% of bowel cancer cases are associated with improper lifestyle, including asymptomatic. In recent years, there has been an increase in incidence in all economically developed countries. In Ukraine, this type of cancer is the fourth among all malignant tumors.
scientists have told simple rules that will help in the prevention of this dangerous disease. For example, many of it are contained in wheat bran, which can be added to porridge, yoghurts and cocktails.
experts advise you to consume dairy products and coffee daily. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids contained, including in fatty fish, are also needed. Experts say that the use of pure ethyl alcohol in the amount of more than 45 g/day increases the risk of colon cancer by 45% and rectal cancer by 49%. In this case, the effect of alcohol in this case can be exacerbated on the background of obesity. Folic acid deficiency and vitamin B6 can lead to a weakening of body protection systems.
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