Simple ways to protect yourself from heart disease
Scientists from the USA talked about simple ways to protect against the occurrence from heart diseases – they consider daily walking to be one of the best.
Although heart diseases are the main cause of death for people, it is enough to make simple changes in your lifestyle to protect yourself from their occurrence, say scientific experts.
Doctors have listed the following simple ways to prevent heart disease.
Walking. You should walk every day, cardiologists emphasize.
“Dozens of studies in the field of cardiovascular diseases confirm that daily walking is the easiest way to get the necessary cardio load”, – said scientific experts.
Strength training . According to the recommendations of doctors, they should take place several times a week.
“Periodical lifting of heavy objects can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 70%,” the scientists specified.
< p>Food. A simple way to protect yourself from heart disease is to eat whole grains, fruits, healthy fats found in nuts and seeds.
“It is important to limit the consumption of foods high in sugar and saturated fats, deeply processed foods, fast food,” the researchers said.
The listed measures have a particularly significant effect if you give up cigarettes and control the amount of alcohol consumed, they added.
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