Simple words and actions reveal a toxic partner: 8 signs you should not miss
Healthy relationships not only bring happiness, but also promote growth, while toxic ones can shake your self-confidence
A toxic person is betrayed by phrases that they throw out seemingly out of the blue. So, if your loved one uses something from our list – be more careful!
How to recognize a toxic partner: important signals
Depreciation, an attempt to turn everything into a joke, manipulation… All this is present in the phrases toxic partner. Moreover, toxics often act in the same way and use the same words, writes New Trader U. So you should be more careful if you hear these signals.
You take everything too close to heart
By telling you that your reaction is too strong, the toxic person not only reduces your anxiety, but also makes you doubt your feelings. As a result, this can lead to the fact that you simply do not want to talk about your experiences.
It's just a joke
The phrase “It's just a joke” — nothing more than an attempt to avoid responsibility for the sharp and unpleasant remarks that a toxic partner makes to loved ones. At most, it helps them avoid the consequences of their actions.
You are too sensitive
This depreciating phrase goes along with the words that you take everything to heart. And also – shifts the responsibility for the actions of a toxic person to the partner, because the problem is not in actions, but in your reaction.
You are lucky with me!
Phrases like this emphasize that a toxic partner puts themselves above you. Which, in turn, undermines your self-esteem and tells you that a toxic relationship is the only thing you're worth.
It's your fault!
Toxic people do not take responsibility for their own actions, but try to shift the blame onto others. That's why they use that phrase.
I didn't say that
A conversation about toxic partners wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention gaslighting. And the phrase “I didn't say that” is one of its most vivid manifestations, when they try to assure you that you heard it all wrong or that it didn't happen at all!
You are like that , like your mom (your dad)
A toxic partner will not miss an opportunity to hit a weak spot. And if this place is a family, it will definitely remind you that you are as nervous as your mother or as lazy as your father. This is an attempt to humiliate you.
You would do this if you loved me
Toxic relationships and emotional blackmail go hand in hand. So, toxics resort to manipulation in order to make you do something and take control.
We used to call the signs of a toxic girl. To be honest, some of them can also be found in boys.
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