Six bodily smells that talk about health problems
often when developing body disorders and diseases. Experts have told what odors can be a signal of adverse processes.
acetone smell. The acetone acetone, which comes out of sweat, can indicate various health problems. The most common cause of such a smell from the body is diabetes. As a result of an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood in this disease in the body begins to increase the number of ketone bodies from them trying to get rid of them, including through sweat. Hence the appearance of a specific smell. By the way, a pronounced odor of acetone may indicate the approach of diabetic coma.
In addition to endocrine disorders associated with diabetes, acetone smell may say that there is
- problems with the digestive system;
- impaired liver and kidney; Smell. Most often, such a smell from the body occurs due to renal problems – chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis and uremia. But also, according to doctors, cat's “aroma” can be a signal of the following pathologies:
- Liver diseases;
- Endocrine system disorders;
- tuberculosis;
- failure of the digestive system.
vinegar. In women, such a smell can indicate serious breast problems, such as mastopathy.
fish smell. The smell of fish coming from the body of a woman is a serious reason for examination by a gynecologist. Such a smell can be a STD marker.
a sweet fruit smell. In addition, the sweet smell comes from the body with diphtheria.
the smell of spoiled meat. can be felt in cancer.
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