Six eating habits that lead to chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation occurs for many reasons. This is a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, autoimmune disorders in the body, exposure to toxins. In addition, as Harvard Health notes, inflammation plays a key role in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, some types of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Diet has a certain influence on the development of chronic inflammation in the body. There are even eating habits that can trigger inflammation. These habits are associated with breakfast.
Skipping breakfast regularly. Scientific studies show that there may be a link between this habit and inflammation. For example, a study published in Public Health Nutrition found that consistently skipping breakfast increases levels of CRP, a substance associated with inflammation. Skipping the first meal of the day had the greatest impact on older adults.
Refined carbohydrates. These are found in foods like donuts, pastries, muffins, etc. It is better to choose whole grain options instead.
Drinking sugary drinks. A number of studies have shown that high sugar intake can lead to inflammatory bacteria in the body. This increases the risk of obesity and inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, simple sugars can cause a person to experience sudden increases and decreases in energy levels in the morning and throughout the day.
Adding a lot of sugar to your morning coffee. Most studies confirm that sugar is the main culprit in unwanted inflammation. In addition, a study published in Frontiers of Nutrition notes that it is also associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease.
Eating foods with artificial trans fats for breakfast. This only has a bad effect on cholesterol levels and heart health.
Eating bacon, sausage, or other processed meats. Regular consumption of such products, according to scientists, can increase the concentration of inflammatory markers in the body. That is, these foods are associated with the occurrence of chronic inflammation.
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