Six healthy tips doctors give to people with sedentary jobs
From controlling how much coffee you drink to walking up the stairs at work, what exactly do doctors advise sedentary people to do to stay healthy?
Check your blood pressure. Available research evidence indicate that sedentary work is closely associated with an increased risk of many problems, including circulatory disorders, thrombosis, hypertension. Those who have to sit on a chair for many hours need to know their BP numbers, doctors believe.
Walk up the stairs.Doctors state that using the stairs instead of the elevator helps to perform the minimum daily exercise necessary for health – this improves blood circulation, which increases the chances of maintaining a healthy heart for a long time.
Those who feel chest pain or shortness of breath, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Do not abuse coffee.According to a general practitioner, the habit of using caffeine to combat fatigue and energy loss during the day can contribute to an increase in blood pressure. The doctor reminded that coffee acts as a neurostimulant and this can lead to negative long-term consequences.
Cook yourself. To better control blood pressure, doctors advise those with sedentary jobs to carry home-cooked food with them. Food prepared at home contains less salt, oil and preservatives, unlike ready-made meals and fast food.
Get up from the table periodically. At least once an hour you need to get up from your chair and walk around, experts advise.
“Sitting is the new smoking. “Sitting for hours on end not only impairs your metabolism, but also puts you at risk for other lifestyle disorders, such as obesity and diabetes,” the doctor noted.
Breathe deeply. You need to leave your workplace from time to time, stretch, and go outside. In the fresh air, it is recommended to take deep, measured breaths and exhales – such breathing exercises help to cope with stress.
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