Six important breakfast rules that will help you lose weight

If a person starts the day with a sweet drink and a bowl of maple syrup, over time he will develop a sugar addiction, which can lead to excess weight, the author assures. In his opinion, in order to maintain health and good shape, it is necessary to develop good habits regarding morning eating.

Experts: those who take care of their nutrition should develop more reasonable rules for breakfast in the morning.


Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day, and in a sense it sets our general eating habits. If a person starts the day with a sugary drink and a bowl of maple syrup, they are more likely to develop a sugar addiction over time.

Therefore, those who want to take more care of their nutrition and reduce weight, it is better to develop more useful habits regarding morning meals. 

1. Focus on protein

Protein is important for many reasons, but when it comes to weight loss, it keeps you feeling full longer. As a result, this will allow you to avoid snacking soon after breakfast.

“Eating protein helps burn more calories, as it has a higher thermogenic effect than other macronutrients. In other words, our body uses more energy to digest protein than fat or carbohydrates,” says Serena Poon, a certified nutritionist and celebrity chef. Breakfast foods with a high protein content include eggs, chicken sausage, turkey, Greek yogurt, and cheese.

2. Eat after training

Many people prefer to eat before a morning workout. However, according to Heather Moday, MD, Integrative Functional Medicine, for many people, eating breakfast before a workout is far from the best solution, as the body already has enough glycogen stored from dinner the night before to sustain a moderate 30-60 minute workout. .

“When we train on an empty stomach, we burn stored glycogen. But if you eat breakfast before training, fat will not be burned,” explains Dr. Modei.

“This does not mean that you should do heavy exercises, for example, running a half-marathon in the morning or lifting weights for 90 minutes,” the doctor notes and recommends that you make sure to replenish what is lost during sweating within 30 minutes after training.

3. Drink enough water

According to Serena Poon, the human body is 60% water and needs a lot of it to function properly.

“Hydration promotes healthy digestion and allows you to maintain a healthy weight,” she added.

4. Put off breakfast

Many of us are used to having breakfast right after waking up. However, if a person is trying to lose weight, it may be more beneficial to delay the first meal by practicing what is known as intermittent fasting.

As Dr. Modey points out, you should definitely fast overnight for at least 12 hours, noting that some extend the fasting period up to 16 hours to burn more calories.

“If we talk about the scientific justification of the process, then every time you eat, insulin rises in response to the increase in blood sugar. In this way, it tells the body that there is still a lot of “fuel” at hand and therefore it does not need to try to use the accumulated fat. In fact, a person can calmly fast from 13 to 16 hours, which allows to better regulate the level of sugar in the blood,” the expert explains.

5. Eat vegetables and fruits

Some people do not even think of eating vegetables for breakfast, but they are a very important part of the diet, as they are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and, most importantly, contribute to satiety faster.

“Fiber supports the balance of the intestinal microbiome , which can contribute to sustainable weight loss. Vegetables can also contain nutrients that reduce flatulence, for example, leafy greens are rich in potassium and magnesium. They help with bloating. In addition, it is important to balance sodium levels. Vegetables can be added to omelets, egg bread or eaten raw for breakfast.

6. Green tea or ginger

Poon recommends drinking organic green tea in the morning to boost metabolism and boost its fat-burning properties. She recommends adding ginger or hot pepper to your favorite smoothie in the morning.

“Drinking coffee with cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar,” says the expert. “Adding a small amount of spices to a drink will not lead to a breakthrough in weight loss, but it can be useful as part of an overall program that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and a healthy way of thinking,” explains the nutritionist.

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Author: alex

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