Six interesting facts about the differences of the female brain from the male you might not know


Male and Women's Brings. The brain from male scientists has been occupying a long time. Hundreds of studies have been conducted, very controversial data. However, the latest scientific work of reputable scientists at the University of California, which showed that the differences are still very interesting. Memory and emotions

Women have better memory. Researchers have found that women have a better memory test, especially those that relate to words or language. The cerebral hemispheres in women are better reported with each other. Because of this, women have a better memory and often a larger stock of words. Ladies think emotions, men, but more soberly evaluate reality, are less worried. The fact is that similar verbal tests are widely used in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, which is accompanied by memory impairment.

According to the researcher, such an advantage of the female brain over the male spoils the diagnostic picture, as the symptoms of the disease are masked. Therefore, it is much more difficult to catch Alzheimer in early stage and the moment will be missed.

Fact # 2. The brain in women is more compressed

A group of researchers from the United Kingdom and Finland found that with age the human brain is losing in volume. A noticeable reduction can be fixed every ten years. Scientists have watched men and women between the ages of 33 and 45. As a result, the brain in the ladies has decreased over time than the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

this fact is confirmed by the study of other scientists who studied the brain of the elderly. Their patients were people aged 65 to 82, they also found that the female brain is compressed with age more than male.

Fact # 3. The brain in women and men changes in different areas

In men, the temporal and frontal lobe, which is responsible for the person, emotions and cognitive function, decreases with age. Women “dry up” hippocampus and the parietal lobe of the brain. They are responsible for language, memory, spatial thinking and visual perception. This affects the behavior of people and their relationships with others.

Fact # 4. Brain changes affect illness

Studies have shown that the difference of age changes in men and women also affects the risk of occurrence of certain diseases. This difference in the elderly is especially noticeable. Women are at risk of Alzheimer, and Parkinson's disease in men.

Fact # 5. The perception of the outside world

scientists have proven that there are differences in men and women in brain processing from the senses. Yes, it turned out that the hearing in the ladies. The female brain perceives sounds more clearly and in detail. The male brain has succeeded with the perception of tactile sensations. There are differences in dawn. Scientists have found that men see images more holistic and women pay attention to small details.

Fact # 6. The impact of estrogen

As it turned out, with a sharp fall in the hormone estrogen in women who are experiencing menopause periods, memory decreases. Neurologists have found that many ladies complain that they feel like in the fog. Men are all right. It happens that at this time there is a loss of memory and differences with the male brain in this aspect become less noticeable.

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Author: alex

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