Six main myths about happiness that prevent us from enjoying life
happiness is what each of us wants. For someone, it is to create, and for someone – in self -destruction, but there is no person who would not want to become happy. Five main myths prevent you from doing it right now.
Finding happiness will not work if in your thoughts and inner world the negative prevails. Will cleanse yourself of all extra to let in good and happiness. But it is equally important to get rid of the incorrect installations listed below.Many people think that you can become happier only after something is very important. Someone is waiting a million in the account and someone has a second half. But you cannot expect from the sea of weather, because happiness is not a moment, but a period of time and a state of mind. A new job or a large premium is a fleeting moment. After that, there are only pleasant memories, and not for a long time.
true happiness does not depend on money or success. Satisfied with life, a person will remain so, even if something is not good or unpleasant in his life.This is not at all. It depends not on money or even on what they can be bought. The whole problem is that no one knows exactly what happiness is, so everyone is trying to come up with some material equivalents. There is no difference in which car you travel or in which apartment you live. The inner world is above all. It is born deep inside us. This happens gradually, step by step. Something removes us from him, something brings up.
Circumstances and people mean nothing. Only we give them value. Happiness has no goal and no formula. It looks like a flower that is unnoticed when we do not pay attention to it.Almost a hundred percent of people think that happiness and problems in life are two incompatible things. Any wise and experienced person will tell you that problems are part of our lives and we also need them because they make us stronger, help to change and develop. It does not happen that a person's life is only filled with pleasant moments. Any of us sometimes we have to go through troubles. Difficulties will always be part of our lives. All you have to do is remember how to increase energy and vitality.”Another couple of years, and I become a happy person,” some of us think. There can be no event that will make someone happy once and for all. This happens gradually and imperceptibly. It comes when a person is adjusting to his wave and realizes that happiness is not a single definition. To do this, you do not need to be born in some special family or have a prestigious profession.
experts believe that everyone can become happy. It is possible that one person has a path to self -knowledge will be thorny and very long, and in the other – easier. In order for the search for happiness to be noticeably facilitated, it is necessary to surround yourself with those who consider themselves happy. Such people can guide you on the right path, be your mentors and mentors.
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