Six phrases that men do not want to hear from their wives

Sometimes quarrelsome and selfish wives forget to watch their long tongues. This mistake threatens the collapse of the family.

What phrases of women hurt men?

“I would like to receive money as a gift, not this!”

You should not blow your lips and look at the presentation with displeasure. This gesture will offend your beloved man. Remember the saying: “Don't look a gift horse in the teeth.”

The man tried hard, chose a gift for you with love. He wanted to please you. Think for yourself how your negative reaction will upset him. Who knew that he would choose an inappropriate gift.

Next time, be more cunning: guide your chosen one in the right direction. Hint to him that you dream of a new ring or a certain set of cosmetics. Skillful and calm women always achieve their goals without war.

“I can't stand empty bottles and dirty things lying around the house!”

You can't fight your hatred. You have a right to feel that way. But men need tips and praise, not women's criticism.

Did you pick up your husband's sweaty pants from the floor and get really angry? Address your partner with the words: “Honey, I love it when your dirty trinkets lie peacefully in the basket. All I have to do is take them and load them in the washing machine.”

Have you come across crumbs or husks again? Whisper to your loved one: “Honey, I bought you a new container (plate) for chips and seeds. Now you will be able to eat larger portions. And put the husks in a bag, please.”

“I will never forget how much you hurt me 10 years ago”

What could be worse than remembering old grudges? Yes, your loved one once behaved badly towards you. But this is not a reason to scold him all his life! Probably, you have also blamed your husband for something. He doesn't attack you!

Have you harbored a grudge against your husband? Or found a method of manipulation? In any case, this will only strengthen your position. Somehow he will explode and leave you. Then you will regret your ill-will and intemperance.

“You are not capable of hammering even a rusty nail into the wall!”

Perhaps, your husband's household capabilities leave much to be desired. But he works, tries for the good of the family. Why do you expose him as a complete incompetent? Nobody forced you to marry him. You should have prioritized first.

Do not humiliate the chosen one. If you have household and skilled male relatives (father, brother), ask them to teach your husband to fix sockets and furniture, use an electric drill, hammer, hacksaw. You will soon realize that your husband is not so hopeless. The main thing is not to scold him.

You remind me of a Neanderthal. No manners and upbringing!”

Gentlemen and English lords will not be enough for everyone. Let your life partner not compliment you, but be honest and open. He does not pretend, is not hypocritical, does not flatter himself. Today, these features are worth a lot.

Not everyone is given to be polite, gentle and helpful. Sometimes help around the house and support are worth much more than candy and a bouquet of flowers.

Don't forget: all men express their love in different ways. Maybe your husband has no business with refined habits. He dreams of building a greenhouse or buying a new wardrobe and a bed for the bedroom.

If he does not spare anything for you, then let him continue to be an untrimmed man in sweatpants. Stop insulting him and calling him a caveman.

“Glad that a woman like me looked at you!”

Do you think that thanks to you he is not alone? What did your chance encounter make him the happiest person? You are wrong. Even if you break up, another will be found quickly. You will be surprised, but his next marriage may turn out to be successful.

Don't turn your nose up and think that your husband is full of worthlessness. Women look at him, don't doubt it! There is a lover for every person. You will also be able to find a new husband, that is not a problem. But whether you will be happy is a big question.

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Author: alex

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