Six products that effectively help with swelling
Swelling caused by fluid accumulation can appear not only on the face, but also on the body, as well as on internal organs. Experts talked about products that effectively help fight edema.
In particular, scientists recommend eating apples to prevent edema. Two to four apples eaten per day activate metabolic processes in the body and contribute to the removal of excess fluid, rather than its stagnation in the tissues. In addition, apples help normalize blood pressure and reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which also helps with swelling.
Another effective product against swelling is bell peppers, especially their red varieties. They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium – trace elements that stimulate the release of excess fluid in the body. In addition, it is useful to eat buckwheat to prevent bags under the eyes. According to experts, a portion of buckwheat without salt for dinner is a guarantee that in the morning the reflection in the mirror will please, not annoy.
Greens, almost any, can be a great helper in the fight against swelling. But the leader in getting rid of swelling is parsley. Science is well aware of the diuretic properties of parsley, as well as its ability to activate the excretion of toxic components from the body.
It helps to get rid of excess fluid and not suffer from swelling of dried apricots. Doctors consider dried apricot compotes and decoctions to be especially effective in this regard, as they can help cope with the problem in a matter of hours. Next are cucumbers. These vegetables have a pronounced diuretic effect, and fresh cucumber juice on an empty stomach perfectly relieves swelling, experts note.
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