Six tips to help spend more calories engaged in ordinary affairs
spend more calories. For training people sitting on a strict diet, it is also relevant. How can this be done? Preparation
You are surprised, but the cooking process also takes away calories. Imagine, even half an hour spent on shredding, stirring and frying the ingredients, consumes more than a hundred calories. Stimulate yourself, do not be lazy to cook complex and useful dishes.
Tip # 2. Hike to the store
studies have shown that a person who steals more than 120 calories for 40 minutes. It is important to keep yourself in your hands and not get carried away, and in an attempt to destroy more calories can be left without money.
Tip # 3. Take a bath more
This advice may seem strange as yes, because taking a bath, you lie and almost do not move! But scientists have shown that a foam bath is a great calorie burner. If it is in water (at least 40 degrees), the energy consumption will jump by 80 percent. During this time, up to 130 calories. In addition, a hot bath reduces blood sugar by 10 percent.
Tip # 4. To eat
Researchers have calculated that if you drink green tea instead of morning coffee, you can spend decent calories. This is due to the fact that the drink (thanks to catechin) accelerates the metabolism by 4 percent. It helps to burn calories more intensively, even without unnecessary load is up to 110 calories a day.
Tip # 5. Sick up! Meoo clinics have found that people who are constantly rushing over 150 calories are burning. This will burn another 350 calories.
Tip # 6. Be in the cool
Harvard experts have found that the ambient temperature affects metabolism. In a ventilated and cool room, a person burns up to 200 calories a day. If you still drink cool water, then it will take another 150.
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