Six unusual ways to get healthy for free

Alchemists have been searching for the elixir of immortality for hundreds of years. They never found the source of eternal life, instead they derived a simple formula for perfect health. Modern research confirms the handwritten folios: the priceless recipe exists and is available to everyone. By radically changing your attitude to life and your own preferences, you can preserve your health until old age.

Get rid of negative thoughts

Thought is material, and the Russian physicist Isakov even calculated its approximate weight. Do not look for symptoms of diseases in yourself and do not be afraid of the coming of old age. The poison of negative thinking poisons health no less than any of the bad habits. If you convince yourself of something for a long time, it will really happen. It is difficult to stop yourself from thinking… There is a lot of useful information in the public domain on how to transform negative thoughts into positive ones. Let everything you think be filled with light and goodness.

Track and get rid of negative emotions

Six non-banal ways to get healthy for free

By according to psychologists, 90% of all diseases begin with emotional disorders. For example:

  • attacks of irritation and aggression lead to diabetes, arthritis, problems with the heart, intestines and liver;
  • excessive excitement weakens the immune system and increases blood pressure;
  • fear weakens the reproductive system.

And vice versa: positive emotions (joy, interest, satisfaction) increase the production of hormones of joy. Due to the surge of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, the emotional background and well-being improves. The more often you are in a state of positive emotions, the less often you will get sick. Do not try to suppress negative emotions – this is harmful to health, as well as being in them. Learn to control your internal state and smoothly switch to something pleasant.

Watch your stress level

Any strong emotions put the body into a state of stress. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative. With age, it becomes increasingly difficult to control the emotional level. Gradually, this causes the entire body to fail. Track your feelings, calm your raging passions, and find your own way to relieve stress. In such moments, do what you like. For some, dancing will be anti-stress, for others – cooking or singing. It doesn't matter what you do, the main thing is to calm down.

Refuse from uncontrollable medication

Check the contents of the home first aid kit. Are you sure you need all those pills, powders and granules? Stop taking the pills at each approach of pain or anxiety. Uncontrolled intake of medications: causes cell mutation and provokes the appearance of cancerous formations; impairs the functioning of the immune system and metabolism; destroys the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Instead of swallowing pharmaceutical pills, use folk medicine recipes and learn natural healing methods. For example, reflexology, clay therapy, phytotherapy, self-massage or rebefing.

Be in nature as often as possible

If you live in the city, try to go to the park or forest more often. Clean air, containing about 200 useful substances and compounds, saturates the blood with oxygen and improves the body at all levels:

  • the composition of the blood, the work of the heart and blood vessels improve;
  • the metabolism returns to normal;
  • the production of immune cells that destroy viruses is accelerated;
  • the work capacity and clarity of the mind increase ;
  • anxieties decrease, depression passes.

Fresh air, rustling of leaves and singing of birds will awaken your dormant energy resources. Gradually, you will forget about diseases and chronic fatigue.

Do flexibility exercises

Six non-banal ways to get healthy for free

Women's yoga: cobra pose

Stretching is a universal form of fitness, available to people of any level of training, age and health. Stretching exercises:

  • strengthen the lungs;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • improve the elasticity of muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • help restore joints;
  • increase muscle strength and endurance, improve their shape;
  • accelerate metabolism (weight decreases);
  • stimulate sex function;
  • relieve psycho-emotional tension.

Do not try to sit on the twine immediately. First, find a beginner's complex and start small. Just exercise regularly and follow the mandatory safety rules.

As you can see, getting healthy for free is not that difficult. The main thing is to take the first step! Start with these simple ways and feel how your life will change.

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Author: alex

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