Six ways will help to avoid microplastics entering the body

Microplastics are found in tap water, products and even inhaled air, leading to the development of oncological diseases. There are 6 ways to avoid these toxic particles from entering the body.

The British doctor Sabina Donnay recommends first of all to abandon the use of plastic containers for food: when heated, they release poisonous compounds that eventually end up in the food.< /p>

Due to the same process, you should not abuse bottled water, which contains 22 times more microplastic particles than tap water. “Before getting into your refrigerator, the bottle could have been kept warm in the warehouse,” explained the professor.

Instead of cling film, eco-napkins with a coating of beeswax should be preferred. Like a reusable paper or metal coffee cup, this tool will prevent toxins from entering the body.

We must not forget about the safety of children, who are often fed with bottles made of polymers, in each liter of the nutritional mixture there are more than 16.2 million microplastic particles. Glass analogues are characterized by much less damage, while pacifiers should be completely abandoned.

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Author: alex

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