Skin cancer: doctors pointed to several possible symptoms

There are two types of skin cancer – basal cell carcinoma, when the cells of the basal layer begin to develop incorrectly, and carcinoma is a malignant tumor of cells located directly on the surface of the skin. The latter is able to spread inside, cause metastases.

With reference to the international organization Fund to fight skin cancer, one of the possible reasons for the development of such a disease is the negative influence of the sun. Under the radiation of the light, the DNA of the cells is damaged and they begin to grow incorrectly.

The first symptoms of skin cancer can be red scaly spots, open sores, and the appearance of warts. Such manifestations can form at any point of the body surface, including the genitals. But more often they appear on areas of the skin that are most exposed to the sun, these are:

  • face;
  • lip;
  • ear;
  • li>
  • skin of the skull;
  • spine;
  • neck;
  • back and hands, forearms.

In the event of the appearance of any formations in these areas, it is better to go for an examination to a specialist, and preferably as early as possible.

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Author: alex

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