Skin symptoms that clearly indicate prediabetes

The doctor listed the symptoms that may signal prediabetes. This includes the appearance of skin problems – its dryness (especially on the elbows), the formation of dark spots in the area of ​​contact with clothing (on the neck, in the armpits, under the mammary glands). If this is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, thirst, dry mouth, constant hunger, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Among the risk factors for prediabetes: overweight, age after 45 years, hypertension, hereditary predisposition. Pay attention to the size of the waist – more than 94 cm in men and more than 80 cm in women is a dangerous condition.

As the endocrinologist previously told, a slight excess of the normal blood sugar level is considered a condition of prediabetes.

– One out of 13 adults has prediabetes, and every sixth child is born to a mother who had high blood glucose during pregnancy, and in 84% of cases the increase in glucose level was associated with diabetes, the doctor noted.

Factors in the development of type 2 diabetes are overweight and hypodynamia. In addition, diabetes can develop due to high cholesterol in the blood and constant high blood pressure.

You can get rid of prediabetes by changing your lifestyle. People at risk should switch to a balanced diet, increase physical activity and regularly monitor blood sugar levels.

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Author: alex

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