Skipping breakfast and other eating habits increase a person's chance of dementia

< p>Scientists state that skipping breakfast increases the probability of dementia by four times.

Dementia means the progressive fading of the brain that occurs in the elderly. The study, which examined the relationship between lifestyle habits and dementia, was conducted over a six-year period among residents of a farming community located near a large urban center in Japan. These were 525 people aged 65 and older.

Researchers found a link between the likelihood of dementia in a person and their eating habits. The scientists stated:

“Dementia is four times more likely to be diagnosed among people who skip breakfast.”

It was also established that the risk of getting a diagnosis of dementia increases in the case of the following eating habits.


  • Abuse of calories in the form of too frequent snacks.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of salt.
  • Tendency to processed food, which does not provide the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals .

What should you eat to maintain brain health? The risk of developing dementia is primarily increased by disorders of the blood circulation system, therefore, for its prevention, it is important to use foods that are useful for vessels and heart. In this regard, according to scientists, the most effective combination of two nutritional systems is the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, designed to control blood pressure.

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Author: alex

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