Sleep positions that increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease have been named

Certain sleeping positions may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, doctors warn. They consider sleeping in a sitting position to be one of the most dangerous in this regard.

Experts from the NHS (National Health Service, National Health Service of Great Britain) talked about the connection between sleeping positions and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, noting that some of them increase the chances of suffering from a neurodegenerative disease associated with the death of brain cells and the loss of mental abilities abilities The Express newspaper writes about it.

“Symptoms of the disease include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, slowing down of the mental process. You can increase your personal risk of these negative symptoms if you sleep in a certain way,” the doctors said.

One of the experts, Dr. Stephen Weiniger, said that one of the sleeping positions that increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is the stomach position. It is especially harmful for the elderly to sleep in this position.

“During sleep, our body tries to get rid of excess toxins and unwanted chemicals. When you sleep on your stomach, you prevent it from fully performing this task. Accumulating over time, toxic components can damage neurons and contribute to the development of dementia,” the doctor explained.

Another extremely harmful sleeping position is the sitting position. In such a position, the necessary movement of fluids does not take place, with which the body gets rid of “waste”, added Dr. Weiniger.

“Sleeping on the back is somewhat better. However, for optimal blood flow, which allows glymphatic compounds to remove fluid and toxins, researchers recommend sleeping on the side,” the specialist shared.

Also, the doctor emphasized, quality sleep is important for protection against dementia.

“The brain needs to turn off for a while to get rid of the daily “garbage” that it accumulates. If you often wake up at night, you don't give your brain enough time for such cleaning,” the expert warned.

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Author: alex

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